Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I live in a neighborhood that may have one of the highest concentrations of Irish bars in the five boroughs. These bars tend to be self-segregated according to the county from which their denizens have emigrated, and some of them you wouldn't really want to go into, though my wedding reception and my son's baptism party were both held at one of the nicer ones.

Along with this phenomenon comes what I would deem -- admittedly based on anecdotal evidence rather than hard numbers -- a higher-than-usual rate of midday public drunkenness. Imagine my suprise, then, walking down pub alley the other day, when I passed by The Celtic House and saw that someone had left the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous in the open front window.


dreshny said...

Maybe not so incongruous. I mean, all the casinos in Vegas have little signs near the exit with the gambling addiction hotline on them...

Pentimento said...

Come to think of it, my husband had a friend (now deceased) who had gotten sober, but was still the owner of two bars. It seems he used to tell his customers about AA when he was tending bar. Not sure how well that would have worked, since the motto of AA is "attraction, not promotion" . . .