Monday, February 8, 2010

"A Saint for Those Who Are Prisoners of Their Past"

A re-post from February 8, 2009.

Today is the feast day of recently canonized Saint Josephine Bakhita. Read her amazing story here. As Father Mark notes:

Looking to the future does not mean forgetting the past; it means transfiguring it. It means re-reading it with eyes of mercy in the light of faith. We need not remain slaves of our own histories, chained to the evil things, the hurtful things, the unjust things that happened ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, or seventy-five years ago. There is another way: the way of those set free by love.

May Saint Josephine Bakhita, la madre moretta, pray for us.

Hat tip: Elena Maria Vidal at Tea at Trianon.


BettyDuffy said...

This comes at a good moment for me. Thanks.

And you absolutely have my prayers for a successful adoption process. I loved your last post.

Pentimento said...

Thanks, B.